Monday, November 24, 2008

Bass fishing at churches.

So, I kinda started ignoring this blog in favor of my other blog, Eating up the EL (about food in Chicago).  Seeing as how I've been a boring suburban lump for the past few weeks, I haven't been even remotely near the EL, nor its surrounding restaurants, and thus have had nothing to post about there.  I feel like I have this problem often with blogs.  I never seem to get more than a month or two before they fizzle out.  Anyway, what I have been spending my time doing is playing the bass in various churches.  

The, uh, bass... not the bass.

Anyway, there are 3 I currently rotate between, 2 on alternating Sunday mornings and one in the evenings.  The third, which hasn't even technically started yet is probably the one I'll end up with on more of a permanent basis.  If you happen to be in the Chicago area on any upcoming sunday night, you should definitely come to First Pres of DuPage for the 5pm young adults service.  Or for even more fun, check out the Jenny Lane Coffee House. (yes, that is a pun on Penny Lane) 

So, I guess I like playing in church quite a bit.  I think I enjoy it so much because helping to make the music that encourages people to worship God really leads me to worship too.  There are songs that get so tired of singing as part of the congregation; then I play them as part of the band and it's all brand new again.